
Simple, transparent pricing

We believe Data Science should be accessible to all companies, no matter the size.

Save 50%


for the first month.
Then  8/mo.

  • Access to the full course library
  • Lifetime access
  • Integrated Python Notebook
  • Go from zero to expert

Save 13.04%


regular price  92/year.

  • Access to the entire course library
  • Lifetime access
  • Integrated Python Notebook
  • Customer support
  • Certification of completion
  • Go from zero to expert


Contact sales for pricing

  • Advanced custom fields
  • Premium support
  • +2 users


Engage with high-quality video courses, lectures, and materials created by industry experts and experienced data scientists

Our platform offers support for multiple languages, allowing learners to choose their preferred language

Easily monitor your learning progress, track completed courses, and celebrate your achievements to stay motivated and focused

Gain practical experience through hands-on projects, real-world datasets, and coding exercises to apply what you’ve learned.

Enjoy access to course materials, allowing you to revisit content as needed, even after course completion

Learn at your own pace, with 24/7 access to materials, allowing for flexibility to accommodate busy schedules

What others like you say about us…

Still have questions?

People make the world go round.
Sorry bots, you may be impressive, but I’d still rather talk to a human any day.
We believe in the lost art of simply “having a chat”.
The value we bring to the table is our rigorous vetting process, everyone on the platform is here for a reason!

People make the world go round.
Sorry bots, you may be impressive, but I’d still rather talk to a human any day.
We believe in the lost art of simply “having a chat”.
The value we bring to the table is our rigorous vetting process, everyone on the platform is here for a reason!

People make the world go round.
Sorry bots, you may be impressive, but I’d still rather talk to a human any day.
We believe in the lost art of simply “having a chat”.
The value we bring to the table is our rigorous vetting process, everyone on the platform is here for a reason!

People make the world go round.
Sorry bots, you may be impressive, but I’d still rather talk to a human any day.
We believe in the lost art of simply “having a chat”.
The value we bring to the table is our rigorous vetting process, everyone on the platform is here for a reason!